Tutorial with editing and retouching of your images

Send me your photos and you will receive a video of over 1 hour, where I will honestly analyze, order, edit and retouch your images, showing you your successes and mistakes, as well as suggesting ideas and exercises.

Finally, I will send you the edited and retouched images so that you can see them in the form of a report.

If you prefer, we can also do it by videoconference.

Private tutoring as a Masterclass, aimed at improving your work and learning how to tell stories and make reports with your own images. 

How to do it?

1.- Send your photos

Select your photos and send them (between 100 and 200 in the format you prefer).

Send the file via Wetransfer to louisalarconphoto@gmail.com

Don't forget to give me some information about you and the photos.

2.- Make payment

Make the payment of the 47 € by card with secure server and SSL certificate or if you prefer by Paypal. 

3.- Wait for 48 hours

You will receive your video with a complete analysis and your photos retouched and ordered as a report.

A "training masterclass" exclusively for you .

You can see a detailed example below.

Real example

Contents © Louis Alarconsite by Bluekea