Urban art festival- The neighborhood

Urban art festivals are common in Spain, generally held in neighborhoods by young people.
 In this photo essay I show the activity and some of the protagonists participating in the Confusion festival in Benimaclet, a neighborhood full of artists in the city of Valencia.

Panoramic of a neighborhood in out photo tour in valencia
breakfast of people in benimaclet urban art festival
Pianist and urban art in our spain photography tours
old lady in an old neighborhood in valencia
portrait of your people in valencia city
painters in valencia photo tour of art
walls and painters in our photography tours
direct portrait of a young man in valencia city
graffiti route in valencia city
old lady in red in graffiti festival in valencia spain
dog in a party in urban art festival in spain
images in the walls cultural manifestation
people dancing in urban art festival spain
ear ring detail image for our photography tours in spain
graffiti image in benimaclet valencia
playing in the church square valencia
portrait of a young girl in valencia
group of young people in a cultural festival photo tour

Contents © Louis Alarconsite by Bluekea